Join Us

EMBERlab is looking for exceptional researchers in the areas of design, systems modeling / data science, and qualitative methods with in a passion for sustainable energy and transportation systems.

Please check out the Open Positions page for the latest projects we are recruiting for.

How to apply

Prospective PhD Students

(not currently at University of Michigan)

Prospective PhD students are encouraged to apply to the Mechanical Engineering department or the Design Science program in the Integrated Systems and Design department, depending on background and research interests. Please mention your interest in working with Prof. Syal in your application statement of purpose to make sure it is sent to her for review.

Interested students are welcome to email Prof. Syal with "Prospective PhD Student" in the subject line. Please include 1) your CV, 2) a description of how your research interests and goals relate to EMBERlab. Generic form emails that do not address fit with our lab will not be returned.

Prospective students are encouraged to apply for external fellowships (e.g. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, etc.)

Current Michigan MS and UG students

EMBERlab considers MS and UG students who are passionate about research. A great way to explore research related to EMBERlab is to take a class with Prof. Syal. Taking an independent study with Prof. Syal is also a good way to start exploring research interests together in more detail and earn academic credit. Under most circumstances, paid opportunities may be considered only after at least a semester of working together and a good fit and alignment of goals is determined. We will post specific opportunities to the Open Positions page on our website and graduate listservs as they come up and you are always welcome to reach out by email to see if there are any opportunities.

Prospective Postdoctoral Researchers

Please reach out to Prof. Syal via email to discuss postdoctoral opportunities.